Stay tuned to this page for additional information about what Forest Hills is doing for compliance with local, state, and federal compliance laws and regulations concerning things like:
As required in 1989, Forest Hills Public Schools conducted an asbestos survey of all buildings. Based on these findings, a comprehensive management plan was drafted. This plan details the response actions the district will take regarding any asbestos containing material found in our buildings.
Every three years, we conduct a full inspection of any remaining asbestos containing material. This inspection is required under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act.
This plan is available for inspection at our Operations Department without cost or restriction during normal business hours. If you want a personal copy, it will be mailed to you upon request. Please contact the Operations Department, 493-8780, with any questions.
Integrated Pest Management Policy
This integrated pest management (IPM) policy applies to all pest control activities and pesticide use in the school building and related facilities including grounds. Recipients of this policy include faculty, other staff, or any employees monitoring or treating pest problems including any contractors who monitor and/or treat pest problems. Each recipient is required to follow this policy.
Read the full Integrated Pest Management Policy
Stay tuned!